UAntwerpen: Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (EMAT) University [...]

Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (EMAT)
Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (EMAT)
3D (Nanomesh) electrodes for enhanced current density, Catalysts for the decomposition of NH3, Coating and nanocomposite polymers, Design & synthesis of light harvesting and electro-catalytic materials, porous electrodes & MEA’s, Design & synthesis of photocatalysts, Design of highly porous materials for storage, Design of innovative photo-electrolyzers, focused on membrane-less designs, Development and experimental measurements of metal-based heterogeneous catalysts for the hydrogenation reaction of NH3, Development of coating for bipolar plates, Development of heterogeneous catalysts dedicated to the production of H2 through ethanol dry reforming, Development of low cost and efficient electrodes, membranes and MEA's, Development of new electrocatalyst, Materials research for PEM fuel cells (catalysts, membranes, MEA’s, bipolar plates), related to manufacturing process, aging processes, New catalysts (e.g. for the Habrer-Bosch process or plasma catalysis ammonia), Study of hydrogen uptake in metal alloys and degradation of metals by hydrogen, with different experimental characterisation & test techniques, simulation and modelling, Ultrathin electrode & catalyst layers using plasma-enhanced and Thermal ALD technology