VIVES UAS: Research group Energy – Hydrogen fuel cell systems
VIVES University of Applied Sciences
General expertise of the research group
The research group hydrogen can rely on a fully equipped laboratory of the hydrogen energy chain. From production, up to the use of hydrogen in different applications. The group has gained expertise in practical use and implementation of various aspects, including green hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, regulatory aspects and safety considerations related to hydrogen, utilization of hydrogen as a fuel for internal combustion engines, hydrogen fuel cell systems, fuel cell vehicles, and the production and utilization of green methanol.
Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics
- Expertise in hydrogen PEM Fuel cell systems (small size), system design, control, and data acquisition
- Expertise in fuel cell vehicle technology, reverse engineering, system layout, and working principles
- Fuel cell system modelling, control, and implementation
- Fuel cell system testing
Available equipment/tools
- Slow filling station for FCEV
- Fuel cell system 8 kW
- Fuel cell system 6.8 kW
- Toyota Mirai
- 4W vehicle Test bench
- 2W vehicle Test bench
- Engine test bench water brake
- ZERT 002 H2 KART 12.5 kW FC
- Didactical IX35 FCEV setup
Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research
- Project: H2-4-All
- Topic: H2-4-All is developing a testbed for fuel cell systems and consolidating regulations for hydrogen use in businesses.
- Funding source: Flemisch Tetra-project from VLAIO – project partners: KULeuven, Solenco Power, Agoria, EUKA, Eliet, Eoly, Addax motors, Atlas Copco, WaterstofNet, Bekaert, E-Bo enterprises, Geoxyz, Kaseco, Lieven Deneckere, Mol Cy, Vandaele machinery, Stad Kortrijk, Schneider Electric, Van Marcke, Robuust
Main relevant publications
- Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2022, pp. 253-259, doi:10.1109/ICRERA55966.2022.9922902.
- Buysschaert, F., Mus, J., De Tollenaere, S., Schotte, S., Van Luchem, P. (contr.) (2021). Webinar: Hoe starten met toepassingen op waterstofgas?
- Mus, J., Mylle, S., Schotte, S., Fevery, S., Latré, S., Buysschaert, F. (2022). CFD Modelling and Simulation of PEMFCs in STAR-CCM+. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), (260-267). Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), Istanbul, Turkey
- All – energy Australia, Melbourne 25/10/2023 Green hydrogen in Flanders
Contact persons
Sam Schotte
Steven De Tollenaere